US Industry Standards
Is there a comparable Machinery Directive?
As a mechanical and plant engineering lawyer, Mr. Galaniuk advises on all contractual and business-related issues, taking into account the special features of US standards. For the sake of simplicity, these can be described as a comparable US Machinery Directive in the USA.
As an expert for the US market, Galaniuk ensures that the risk arising from product liability in the USA is adequately taken into account and minimized as far as possible when drafting contracts.
German manufacturers and exporters cannot avoid dealing with the legal framework in the USA. On the one hand, a customer in the USA will usually (but not always) require compliance with the standards prescribed by public law. On the other hand, the extent of the product liability risk also depends on whether conformity with the standards has been guaranteed. These issues relate to requirements under both federal and state law.
Incidentally, these OSHA obligations have been partly adopted from the even more extensive parallel regulations at state level. All 50 states have adopted the NEC (National Electric Code) or NFPA 70 (National Fire Protection Association) as part of their building code legislation. NFPA 70 and NFPA 79 prescribe further requirements for nameplates (Machine Nameplate Data), mainly for switch boxes.
The situation is somewhat more complex at state level. All 50 US states have made the NEC (or NFPA 70) part of their respective building codes by reference. In turn, the NEC stipulates that an official authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) is responsible for enforcement. Therefore, an AHJ may be involved at the state level for pre-approval or inspection and post-approval (or warning with cure period). However, NEC does not regulate the conformity assessment process itself very clearly. Therefore, different conditions may be required depending on the state/municipality.
However, it may be possible to build on the confirmation of an NRTL, as NEC stipulates that an AHJ can accept a machine that has been certified by a recognized expert with a certificate of conformity (“Labeled”). NRTLs are also required to comply not only with NFPA standards, but also with standards developed by UL, ASTM, ANSI, etc., where relevant.
The path to conformity
NRTLs also offer a pre-field evaluation service to proactively support the success of the compliance process.
Whether an AHJ inspection is required prior to commissioning depends on the individual state. However, with an NRTL label already issued, the inspection risk can be significantly mitigated.
Operating instructions
such as a lack of information and warnings. The determination and consideration of these standards are the responsibility of the technical writer and, if applicable, the NRTL.
Mitigation of the product liability risk
The confirmation therefore serves as strong evidence that there is no fault or liability towards the manufacturer. Confirmation by the NRTL can therefore be important for the German manufacturer supplying to the USA in order to minimize risk. This assumes that the internal risk analysis recognizes hazards and that the probability of damage (or liability) cannot necessarily be ruled out, but can at least be reduced to an acceptable level.
Contract design
Disclaimer: The content of this website is abstract and intended for educational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. The article is not suitable for solving specific cases, which always require individual legal advice and solutions. Claims in connection with this article are excluded.
UL certification
UL published its first standards back in 1903. Today, UL is active worldwide in the areas of safety, standards and consumer protection. UL's scope extends far beyond the approval of industrial equipment and encompasses almost all industrial and consumer products in the modern economy. UL today consists of three main business units: UL Standards & Engagement, UL Research Institutes and UL Solutions. UL Solutions is the division that performs testing and certification services as NRTL.
UL is also designated by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) as an official SDO (standards developing organization). ANSI does not publish its own standards, but coordinates the development and publication of standards that are relevant to the US market. ANSI is a member of the International Organization for Standards (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), both based in Switzerland.
Whether and to what extent a German manufacturer has to take care of a machine or system approval in the USA depends on various circumstances. For more information on the topic of a US Machinery Directive comparable to the EU Machinery Directive, machinery approval in the USA, including NRTL or UL certification, click here:_________
Attorney Galaniuk is a US American and a longtime expert and practitioner in business matters relating to German and US law. He advises German medium-sized companies on US contract law, taking into account the special features of US product liability law and machine approval.